
Hunter Education, It’s Much More Than Just a Class

Hunter Education, It’s Much More Than Just a Class By Steve Webner Hunting is special in that it can be a solo sport, or you can get a few friends together and enjoy the outdoor experiences together. Some people are forced to hunt alone due to safety, or the lack there of, from others. Walking […]


Summer Skin Care

Summer Skin Care By Jessica Graham My friend grabbed his hat before we ventured outside. I’m used to seeing him without a hat, so this was a little different routine. I must have had a confused look on my face, because he began to explain a meeting he had with his physician, warning him of […]


How To Get your Kids Ready for the Upcoming Hunting Seasons

How To Get your Kids Ready for the Upcoming Hunting Seasons By Ryan Graden As much as summer months bring the warmth that we have been longing for, it also means that our hunting seasons have come to an end. Sure, there still other things to do in the outdoors. It doesn’t mean that we […]


The History of the Fur Trade in Iowa: Part Two

The History of the Fur Trade in Iowa: Part Two By Troy Hoepker Last month we chronicled the early beginnings of the first fur traders to enter Iowa lands in the late 1600’s and the development of the fur trade from then until after the Revolutionary War. In this month’s edition we move forward from […]


3 Attractions for the Sportsman To Enjoy at the Iowa State Fair

3 Attractions for the Sportsman To Enjoy at the Iowa State Fair By Jessica Graham It’s July, and chances are if you are in Iowa, you are thinking about a trip to the Iowa State Fair. It is an Iowa staple in August; most Iowans venture out to the fair to view the animals, live […]


The History of the Fur Trade in Iowa: Part One

The History of the Fur Trade in Iowa: Part One By Troy Hoepker Picture it in your imagination if you possibly can? The year is 1685 and after painstakingly securing supplies and food your trek began in Montreal. Once ready, you managed to navigate the waters of the Ottawa River until it opened wide into […]


Digital Hunting Maps And How To Use Them

Digital Hunting Maps And How To Use Them By Nick Johnson It’s crazy to think back ten to fifteen years ago and relive the days when a very important tool for me in terms of hunting was a hard copy of the Iowa Sportsman’s Atlas. I still have that Atlas somewhere tucked away in storage, […]


Colder Weather Coon Trapping

Colder Weather Coon Trapping By Joshua Jones Picture this scenario as a trapper: It is Friday night before the opening day of the trapping season in Iowa and you are loading the truck with all equipment you may need for the next day. Hammers, trowels, wire, bait, gloves, etc. Everything that is on your list […]


The Poor Man’s Bucket List

The Poor Man’s Bucket List By Earl Taylor It is easy to get all juiced up about hunting out west after watching a half hour hunting show where a celebrity hunter whacks a monster bull, buck or ram. Just as in ancient mythology where the Sirens called out to Oedipus to come to their beautiful […]


Plan an Entire Trapping Season for Success

Plan an Entire Trapping Season for Success Trapping like most other outdoor endeavors takes planning, effort, and yes money. However, it is one of the few outdoor endeavors if done correctly a person can actually absorb expenses such as fuel cost, trapping supplies, and with hard work can even leave the trapper with some spending […]