
Coyotes Late Season Dirt Hole Success
Coyotes Late Season Dirt Hole Success By Larry Sills Late season coyote dirt hole trapping utilizes a #3 or #4 size trap, a stake, lures, urine, and bait. Throughout the decades this method has proved itself as a reliable method to catch late season coyotes in Iowa. The reason being is its versatility. The lure […]
5 Killer Stand Locations
5 Killer Stand Locations By Sean Wuller Well it’s that time of year again, your November date with that deer of a lifetime is calling and there is work to do. By now food plots have been planted, mineral stations have been installed (per state regulations), trail cameras have been hung and the data from […]
Preparing for Trapping Season
Preparing for Trapping Season By Troy Hoepker When October rolls around and that cool fall air begins to hit it always instills the insatiable desire to hunt and trap. With only a few hunting seasons open in Iowa, one of the best ways to try and scratch the itch is beginning the preparations for the […]
10 Ways to Reduce the Price per Pound
10 Ways to Reduce the Price per Pound By Earl Taylor Spending money brings me pain; spending money on eating out in a fancy restaurant brings me more pain; spending money on a new vehicle…I have never done this so I don’t know how much pain that would be; spending money on a hunting trip […]
Taking A Long-Lasting Memory
Taking A Long-Lasting Memory By Ryan Graden “A picture is worth a thousand words.” It’s a phrase that we’ve all heard before. However, as a sportsman, I would argue, “A picture is worth a thousand memories.” As I’m am typing this article in my office, I am surrounded by pictures and memories on my walls […]
All Things Are Not Equal
All Things Are Not Equal By Earl Taylor Forewarning; if you believe man and animals evolved from nothing, this article will not make much sense to you. There is a friendly banter amongst Iowa hunters about the hardest animal to shoot in the Hawkeye state. Each hunter believes the quarry he is chasing is the […]
Bridge Hopping for Spring Beaver
Bridge Hopping for Spring Beaver By JD Rogge Late January brings an end of season for the majority of Iowa’s fur bearers; the lone outlier is beaver. Beaver provide opportunities for the motivated trapper to take fur well into April. Spring beaver trapping not only provides trappers with more outdoor opportunities, but helps secure permission […]
New Year’s Resolutions for Sportsman
New Year’s Resolutions for Sportsman By Ben Leal New Year’s Eve…2022… we’ll be up late and watch the ball drop in New York City signifying the sunset of the year and the dawn of a new one. Like every year that has come and gone, folks from all walks of life resolve to make a […]
Snaring Coyotes on Edges & Points
Snaring Coyotes on Edges & Points By Joshua Jones It was January 2nd, 2008. My trapping partner, Justin Garrison, was riding with me headed toward a new farm we had just acquired to trap on and we knew it held coyotes. We turned onto the paved road that lead to the property and did what […]
10 Tips to a Successful Snareline
10 Tips to a Successful Snareline By JD Rogge I began my trapping career in the fall of 1984 at age ten, while growing up in a small town in Cherokee county Iowa. I could be found each morning after the first Saturday of November with a large tattered backpack on my back, stuffed full […]