
10 Reasons We LOVE to Hunt

10 Reasons We LOVE to Hunt By Kevin Sturm One thing I have learned over the years is, we as hunters all share a love for the sport called hunting. I always find it interesting how I can be talking to a perfect stranger and honestly, not be engaged or invested in the conversation, more […]


Improve Your 3D Shooting Skills

Improve Your 3D Shooting Skills By Jeremy Adams Binoculars Make sure you have a good set binoculars. By having a good pair of binoculars, with good light transmission, it will help you see the scoring rings on the target, especially if it is a black target like a bear or javalina. Seeing the target can […]


Take a Newbie Shooting. Part 2

Take a Newbie Shooting. Part 2 By Barry B. Snell Once you arrive at the range, get all your gear unpacked, and you’re on the firing line and almost ready to go, it’s a good idea to stop and take a moment to go over the safety rules again. Your newbie is going to be […]


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Coyote Mouth Calling

Coyote Mouth Calling I could feel my heart start to pound, my breathing quicken and the hair stand straight up on the back of my neck, as a coyote let out a deep warning howl less than a hundred yards from me in near darkness! Warning me of his intent when he found me, this […]


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When It All Goes Wrong: Preventing the Mistakes That Spook Coyotes

When It All Goes Wrong: Preventing the Mistakes That Spook Coyotes By Troy Hoepker It was all going perfectly to the plan. My friend and fellow Iowa Sportsman Magazine writer Nick Johnson had traveled down to film me calling coyotes for an episode of Iowa Sportsman Television a few years ago and his camera was […]


Feline Fever: Calling Cats

Feline Fever: Calling Cats By Troy Hoepker Minutes of boredom followed by moments of exhilaration! That’s the feeling that accompanies calling bobcats. My heart began beating in a higher gear when I first spotted a feline bounding over the corn stubble towards my position. Their bounce is unmistakable. The next 20 minutes would give me […]


Through the Eyes of A Coyotes

Through the Eyes of A Coyotes By Troy Hoepker “Where did he go?” How many times have I wondered that about a coyote that has seemingly just disappeared from the face of the earth? I swear, nothing in the world has the ability to disappear into thin air better than a coyote. Maybe that’s why […]


How Weather Affects Accuracy

How Weather Affects Accuracy By Troy Hoepker Many of us seek out a day to sight in our rifle when winds are calm, temperatures are warm and comfortable, and after being pleased with how the rifle shoots, happily put it away until that first all-important day that we hunt in the fall or winter. I […]