
Aggressive Calling Tactics for Iowa Coyotes

Aggressive Calling Tactics for Iowa Coyotes By Troy Hoepker There’s nothing like a full day of coyote calling to provide a perfect example of all the multiple ways you can have success, or failure, in trying to take Iowa’s most elusive predator! Last year my calling partner Mark Johnston and I had just such a […]


5 Killer Stand Locations

5 Killer Stand Locations By Sean Wuller Well it’s that time of year again, your November date with that deer of a lifetime is calling and there is work to do. By now food plots have been planted, mineral stations have been installed (per state regulations), trail cameras have been hung and the data from […]


Shooting Lanes, Summer Work Equals Fall Success

Shooting Lanes, Summer Work Equals Fall Success By Travis Molecki Summer is here a little early in the Midwest. The 90-degree days send me running to the air conditioning as opposed to cutting my grass. And while a day of yard work in the scorching heat isn’t real high on my priority list at the […]


Taking A Long-Lasting Memory

Taking A Long-Lasting Memory By Ryan Graden “A picture is worth a thousand words.” It’s a phrase that we’ve all heard before. However, as a sportsman, I would argue, “A picture is worth a thousand memories.” As I’m am typing this article in my office, I am surrounded by pictures and memories on my walls […]


Blind Ambition: Finding The Perfect Hunting Blind for your Needs

Blind Ambition: Finding The Perfect Hunting Blind for your Needs By Jessica Graham In the early morning hours, as the sun peeks over the horizon, a hushed anticipation fills the air. I sit in my hunting blind, carefully concealed amidst the heart of deer country. This blind, on my Dad’s property, provides me with a […]


Curing a Shooting Slump

Curing a Shooting Slump By Troy Hoepker Dealing with a miss is frustrating enough, but dealing with several misses in a row is maddening at times. Shooting firearms is a bit like anything else that takes hand-eye coordination, good balance and proper mechanics. Sometimes one simple thing is all it takes to correct a problem […]


Hand-Calling Coyotes: Become The Hunted!

Hand-Calling Coyotes: Become The Hunted! By Troy Hoepker Once upon a time, some prehistoric ancestor of ours somewhere figured out that if he pulled a blade of grass, stuck it between his lips and blew, he could squeak up one those invincible ghosts called a coyote. Without a smart phone handy to share his success […]


Fur Friendly Coyote Rounds

Fur Friendly Coyote Rounds By Troy Hoepker It all happened in an instant! The coyote exploded out of the ditch and through the heavy grass on a direct path straight at the caller! Only minutes earlier I had hung my caller from a tree limb and took a seat elevated on a pond dam overlooking […]


All Things Are Not Equal

All Things Are Not Equal By Earl Taylor Forewarning; if you believe man and animals evolved from nothing, this article will not make much sense to you. There is a friendly banter amongst Iowa hunters about the hardest animal to shoot in the Hawkeye state. Each hunter believes the quarry he is chasing is the […]


When Coyotes Won’t Commit

When Coyotes Won’t Commit By Troy Hoepker Their howls cut through the cold air with fresh exuberance but they held their advance stubbornly at the ridgeline to my west. Darkness was approaching on that cold winter’s afternoon that found me deep in the heart of a large tract of some of Iowa’s public hunting land […]