
The Dog Days of an Iowa Winter
The Dog Days of an Iowa Winter By Troy Hoepker My truck seemed so insignificant and small as I drove down the road not even able to see up over the drifts and the snow piles in the ditches left behind from the maintainer. I came to a full stop and had to watch for […]
The Red Fox
The Red Fox Cunning, agile and charismatic are just a few of the adjectives that describe the Red fox. The largest member of the true foxes, the Red fox is a widespread and very adaptable species that takes up residency as one of Iowa’s most efficient predators. History The Red fox is Eurasian in origin […]
Stalking The Predator: The Art of Stalking Red Fox & Coyote
Stalking The Predator: The Art of Stalking Red Fox and Coyote By Whiterook Traditional methods of hunting predators in Iowa have revolved around the use of dogs and calling from set stand locations. Predatory animals such as coyotes and fox are cunning and elusive and present a real challenge to any hunter. One method of […]
The Changing of Scenery: Where to Place Your Stand at Different Times of The Season
Let’s face it, archery hunting for whitetails isn’t always easy, in fact most of the time it’s the exact opposite. I mean, sure, sometimes you have great luck and you’re in the right place at the right time. But, those situations are few and far between. (At least for me!) And that’s what keeps me […]
Being a Soldier Made Me a Better Sportsman
I Started hunting with my father when I was 9 years old. That Ithaca Model 37 was longer than I was and my heavy insulated rubber boots made walking through the fields and woods quite difficult. Hard as it was I loved every minute of it. Whether it was hunting deer or squirrel in the […]
Big Events Change the Industry
Do you recall significant events that impacted your life? I think we all do. What about a date or event that stands out specific to the firearms industry or those impacting the Second Amendment? Requests like this sometimes come with a bit of research. Sure, when my publisher, Patrick, approached me for this article I […]
Don’t Be….That Guy
Throughout my life, I have stumbled across individuals who cause the rolling of my eyes. I’m sure, with a few reflective moments, you have experienced the same. This being brought to surface, we are going to take a look at the cause of such eye juggling, as it applies to hunting or fishing camps. For […]
A Flat Fur Market and the Reasons Why
A few tiny strands of hair that I had collected off the wire spun between my forefinger and thumb as my eyes strained looking for clues as to what once held them. Yep, it was beaver fur and the flattened, condensed circle of snare loop at my feet was proof that I had almost caught […]
Compact Carry Is Still The Trend
We’re seeing a ton of buzz on compact carry guns. This has been a trend that has hung on longer than I anticipated. Some weapons go through cycles. An example would be the Bullpup rifle or carbine configuration. Somebody will bring one to the market place, and a bunch of writers will sing their virtues. […]
Difference in Ammo Accuracy
Have you ever heard the United States Marine Corps Rifleman’s Creed? It begins; “This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine.” Perhaps you have? If you haven’t, look it up. Marines train as riflemen first and they learn the creed in turn to accept their rifle as a brother […]