
Bowhunting Equipment 101 – Podcast
On this episode Dan chats with the owner of the Iowa Outdoors Store, Aaron McKinney. Since it is never to early to talk about whitetail hunting the guys get into a discussion about archery equipment and what a person needs to keep in mind when preparing to take the plunge of purchasing new equipment. Then […]
Shot Placement Guide For Bowhunting Turkeys
Shot Placement Guide For Bowhunting Turkeys When using a bow to hunt turkeys, many different shots and angles will present themselves. To make a clean ethical kill a hunter must know where to aim on the turkey at any given moment. While a turkey looks to be a decent sized target to hit, it isn’t. […]
In-Season Scouting: Finding and Analyzing Turkey Sign
In-Season Scouting: Finding and Analyzing Turkey Sign Turkeys, much like any game animal, will leave behind signs as they carry out their daily routines. As hunters, these signs are important to us because they help to determine roosting areas, feeding areas, strut zones, and daily patterns…all key components in the grand scheme of tagging a […]
Find Your Pattern
Patterning your turkey gun is an important part of turkey hunting that sometimes is an after thought to many hunters. Having a finely patterned gun, especially at long-range shots of 40 yards can be the difference of placing a tag on a bird or watching it run away from you. Use these tips provided to […]
The Iowa Sportsman Podcast – Turn Deer Hunting Failures Into Successes!
Listen in as Dan talks with Noel Gandy about taking failures from past deer hunting seasons and how to turn those into successes in future seasons. In the world of whitetail hunting nothing goes according to plan 100% of the time. Mistakes, goofs, and failures are inevitable…that is about the only thing you can count […]
Making Deer Jerky 101 – Podcast
Welcome to another episode of The Iowa Sportsman Podcast! Join Dan Johnson on this episode as he interviews Dan Turner about the steps involved in making his favorite deer jerky recipe. Included in the episode is a step by step process from meat preparation to the final product. Dan then gets into the specifics of […]
10 Tips on Becoming A Better Turkey Hunter
By Matt Johnson Now that deer season is a distant memory, many of us here in Iowa are switching gears to begin pursuing turkeys. The excitement that comes from a tom gobbling on the roost, to having him strut all the way across a field right into your decoys, is what we all look forward […]
Iowa Coyotes: Inside the Numbers
I hadn’t felt the cold wind sting my face in quite some time like it did that February day this last winter. My calling partner Mark and I joked that we must be the only foolhardy pair of coyote hunters actually trying to coax a coyote to us in the whole state in weather like […]
Pursuing The Shifty Coyote – Podcast
Join us on this episode of the Iowa Sportsman podcast as Dan and JD Rogge discuss trapping, snaring and calling the elusive coyote. JD will get into detail about all three methods and what you need to do in order to be successful with each approach. Included in the discussion the guys will discuss gear needed for snaring and trapping as […]
Big Buck Profile
With all the practicing, scouting, and preparation done, deer season was finally here! Little did I know how exciting 2012 was going to be for me. It started with my muzzleloader deer. I set a camera up in August and was very happy to see one buck that showed up on several different evenings. He […]