
CWD, Call to Action – Podcast
Turkey Time with Billy Pryor – Podcast
The Concept Of Hunt Plots
The Concept of Hunt Plots Several years ago I stumbled across an article in a hunting and fishing magazine that was talking about “Hunt Plots”. I immediately asked myself what the heck was a hunt plot? So I read the article and deemed it useful and from that moment on I have been implementing hunt […]
Shot Placement Guide For Bowhunting Turkeys
Shot Placement Guide for Bowhunting Turkeys When using a bow to hunt turkeys, many different shots and angles will present themselves. To make a clean ethical kill a hunter must know where to aim on the turkey at any given moment. While a turkey looks to be a decent sized target to hit, it isn’t. […]
Snow Fall Canada’s
Snow Fall Canada’s Few things compare to waterfowl hunting, and nothing compares to watching geese in the snow. The sound seems amplified; the acoustics of that distant moan or group would rival any concert. The view of that line of honkers in perfect formation rushing to dinner with snow falling is majestic to say the […]
Tank of Gas Sportsman Getaways
Tank of Gas Sportsman Getaways By Earl Taylor The thought of a fancy vacation, complete with Disney World or a visit to the Grand Tetons is every parent’s hope; but reality sets in when the billfold is thin and time off from work is limited. Sometimes, life consumes us. You may need to break up […]
Turkey Preparation: What you Should Be Doing Now
Turkey Preparation: What you Should Be Doing Now By Billy Pryor If you are a turkey hunter then you probably already know that spring turkey hunting can be completely different than fall turkey hunting, but the fundamentals to prepare for either are going to be the same. Like any hunting, the key to success is […]
All Things Turkey – Podcast
Difference in Ammo Accuracy
Difference in Ammo Accuracy Have you ever heard the United States Marine Corps Rifleman’s Creed? It begins; “This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine.” Perhaps you have? If you haven’t, look it up. Marines train as riflemen first and they learn the creed in turn to accept their […]
Myth Busters: Gun Dog Edition
Myth Busters: Gun Dog Edition By Ryan Eder What I love most about training hunting dogs and sharing the field with bird dogs in particular is the history of the sport. Sure, our products and gear have improved, and training methods are always evolving, but the simple fact remains that hunters have used sporting dogs […]