
Life of a Conservation Officer with Dan Henderson – Podcast


Winter Training Drills

Winter Training Drills By Ryan Eder Do not let the winter season be an excuse to not train your dog. Are you catching onto my theme this year? There are several things we can do with our dogs during the winter months (aside from hunting) to not only keep our dogs sharp, but continue to […]


Beware The Nightmare

Beware the Nightmare By Bruster Beaty As participants of the tremendous offerings afforded by the great outdoors, we are constantly seeking new adventures. I must admit, however, the most heartfelt nimrodial memories are those nurtured during my excursions to the lakes, woods, and streams within shooting distance of home. Be that as it may, there […]


Prioritizing Your Resources

Prioritizing Your Resources By Tom Peplinksi For the vast majority of hunters, we have limited resources at our disposal. These resources range from our hunting equipment, to the land we have access to; to the time off we are able to get from work. Because we have limited time and limited money, we have to […]


Bad Weather = Good Hunting?

Bad Weather = Good Hunting? My ideal weather conditions for a day of bow hunting whitetails would be overcast skies, a low around 25 degrees, a high of 40 degrees, and little to no wind. While those days do occur several times a year during the Iowa archery season what do you do when Mother […]


Hold Deer On Small Property!

Hold Deer On Small Property! If you are a whitetail hunter in Iowa please raise your hand if you agree to the following question: Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have 1,500 acres of vast, pristine whitetail habitat to hunt in Iowa?  While I obviously can’t see the hands going up I can imagine most of […]


50 Ways To Bide Time As An Offseason Hunter

By Kent Boucher If you are like me your favorite hunting season is when you feel most alive. Calling upon skills you haven’t used for a year, clearing your schedule of nearly all other responsibilities and breaking the gaze into the digital abyss are just a few of the rare indulgences we get to enjoy […]


CRP & Upland Species w/ Todd Bogenschutz – Podcast


The Red Fox

The Red Fox Cunning, agile and charismatic are just a few of the adjectives that describe the Red fox. The largest member of the true foxes, the Red fox is a widespread and very adaptable species that takes up residency as one of Iowa’s most efficient predators. History The Red fox is Eurasian in origin […]


Stalking The Predator: The Art of Stalking Red Fox & Coyote

Stalking The Predator: The Art of Stalking Red Fox and Coyote By Whiterook Traditional methods of hunting predators in Iowa have revolved around the use of dogs and calling from set stand locations. Predatory animals such as coyotes and fox are cunning and elusive and present a real challenge to any hunter. One method of […]