
5 Summer Key’s to Fall Success
5 Summer Key’s to Fall Success By Kevin Sturm Over the years my wife may have mentioned to me a time or two that hunting season seems to never end, and after some reflection I would have to say she is exactly right. I have learned over the years, there is a huge difference in […]
Camping: Plan around your Families Wants and Needs
Camping: Plan around your Families Wants and Needs By Earl Taylor When Moses headed into the wilderness, he was told to take just his staff and the bare necessities with him; God told him that He would provide. Moses ate manna, quail and had water gushing from a rock. Pretty good first camping experience if […]
An Epic Journey: Snow Goose Migrations
An Epic Journey: Snow Goose Migrations By Nick Johnson I can recall as a kid, staring blindly into the cobalt-blue spring sky searching for the source of strange bark sounds and low murmuring chatter. Brilliant white specks would appear, heading northward signaling that the annual spring snow goose migration was well underway. I never fathomed […]
To Lease or not to Lease
To Lease or not to Lease By Earl Taylor I had parked at the gate and walked across the picked corn field in the dark. I set up my stand and was ready for first light. This was the first time hunting from this bottleneck and I was hopeful. I was hoping to see deer, […]
Good Housekeeping: Puppy Edition. Housebreaking your New Pup
Good Housekeeping: Puppy Edition. Housebreaking your New Pup By Ryan Eder Regardless of what kind of dog you have, one of the most popular discussions in dog training involves puppy training. From veterinary related topics, to basic training and so on, I still feel the most popular topic is how to properly house train your […]
Don’t Spook Deer Before the Hunt Starts!
Don’t Spook Deer Before the Hunt Starts! By Dan Johnson Right now a majority of you probably have your trail cameras out capturing the velvet rut and taking inventory of the bucks you will be hunting in the fall. Some of you have may have already been out in the timber scouting the properties you […]
Small Tracts Can Yield Big Racks
Small Tracts Can Yield Big Racks By Kevin Sturm Small farm owners are faced with a constant juggling act of income vs. habitat. In most cases, there has to be a happy medium of both to make a small farm work, not only from the checkbook stand point but also by what is hanging on […]
Improve your 3D Shooting Skills
Improve your 3D Shooting Skills By Jeremy Adams Binoculars Make sure you have a good set binoculars. By having a good pair of binoculars, with good light transmission, it will help you see the scoring rings on the target, especially if it is a black target like a bear or javalina. Seeing the target can […]
Early Season Whitetail Scenarios: What Would You Do?
Early Season Whitetail Scenarios: What Would You Do? Situation #1: The Curveball – A group of bucks changes their trail routine just as the season opens. Early season scouting has shown a group of three bucks that bed on a hillside above a clover food plot. Every evening, like clockwork they filter down through a […]