
Decoying Waterfowl – Costly Mistakes
Decoying Waterfowl – Costly Mistakes By Nick Johnson Waterfowl hunting as a whole is a pretty straightforward concept. It is the different variables that factor in given the time of season that make it challenging and rewarding, maybe even frustrating. The variables that we cannot control such as weather, migration patterns, hunting pressure and even […]
Something to Consider Before Using an Electronic Collar
Something to Consider Before Using an Electronic Collar By Ryan Eder When it comes to electronic collars for training your dog, there are all kinds of resources available to help you select the right product. Electronic collars come in several different varieties, from several manufacturers and can vary quite a bit in cost as well. […]
Late Season Gun Tactics – Podcast
The Poor Man’s Bucket List
The Poor Man’s Bucket List By Earl Taylor It is easy to get all juiced up about hunting out west after watching a half hour hunting show where a celebrity hunter whacks a monster bull, buck or ram. Just as in ancient mythology where the Sirens called out to Oedipus to come to their beautiful […]
Icy Water Divers
Icy Water Divers By Nick Johnson The air was frigid…so crisp and so cold that my breath froze to my facial hair in little icy droplets. The only sounds were the gentle gurgling of the river and the occasional crash of a floating ice chunk meeting a brief stopping point on its way down stream. […]
Successful Party Hunting Techniques
Successful Party Hunting Techniques By Jason Smith In the great state of Iowa, we have what is referred to as ‘Party Hunting’, for deer Shotgun 1 and Shotgun 2 seasons. The 2017-18 Iowa DNR Hunting Regulations, Pages 30 & 36, describes ‘Party Hunting’ as: Helping other Hunters Resident and nonresident deer hunters with a valid […]
The Puzzle in Patterning a Rutting Buck
The Puzzle in Patterning a Rutting Buck By Aaron Stonehocker I have always been fascinated with the complexity and interconnection of everything in our natural world. Like a completed jigsaw puzzle, the perfect picture is only there if every piece is carefully laid in the perfect place, starting with the outer edge. A big buck […]
Tools of the Trade and their Usage Techniques
Tools of the Trade and their Usage Techniques By Jason Smith When it comes to deer hunting today, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by all of the different products on the market. Each making claims of bringing in more and bigger bucks. Many are just variations of one another, and it’s tough to make up […]
Prepare Now For Waterfowl Season
Prepare Now For Waterfowl Season Ugh the lull of fall! The turkey woods have gone silent, the mushrooms are all but gone, decaying or hidden in a jungle of poison ivy and May apples. The bugs have reinforced their armies, and the mosquitoes have once again started their aerial assaults. So now what? I guess […]