
Prepare Now For Waterfowl Season

Prepare Now For Waterfowl Season Ugh the lull of fall! The turkey woods have gone silent, the mushrooms are all but gone, decaying or hidden in a jungle of poison ivy and May apples.  The bugs have reinforced their armies, and the mosquitoes have once again started their aerial assaults.  So now what? I guess […]


The Rut is NOT Over! – Podcast


2nd Week Rut Strategies – Podcast


Signs to Success

Signs to Success By Ryan Graden I had been sitting in this stand all evening. It was one of many long hour sits during November for one particular buck that I knew was in the “neck of the woods” that I was frequenting. He was not a buck of a lifetime, but he was a […]


Fallback To Shoot Bigger Bucks: Using Fallback Stands For Archery Season

Fallback To Shoot Bigger Bucks: Using Fallback Stands For Archery Season Have you ever been sitting in a treestand and seen a large mature whitetail buck coming your way only to have it skirt your stand by 70 yards for no apparent reason? I have fallen victim to this scenario more than once.  It is […]


From the Vault – Rut Hunting Strategy Podcast


Why Wait Until The Snows Flies? Hunting Early Season Coyotes

Why Wait Until The Snows Flies? Hunting Early Season Coyotes By Troy Hoepker A sense of anxiousness and giddiness came over me all at the same time as I waited for the action to start! Peering over at my long time hunting partner Mark Johnston, he was busying himself with his normal routine. Grabbing the […]


Buck Fever Follies

Buck Fever Follies By Jason Smith Growing up, my father was an avid deer hunter, but putting food on the table was his top priority and taking time off from work was nearly impossible for him, so he’d schedule PTO nine months in advance and squeeze all of his deer hunting in during first season […]


Whitetail Sidearms: Choosing A Handgun for Deer!

Whitetail Sidearms: Choosing A Handgun for Deer! By Michael Ware, CEO Controlled Chaos Arms The best handgun for deer hunting you ask? Wow. That’s a tall order. A question like that depends on so many variables there is no correct answer that is truly universal. As you know this really hinges on things like your […]


Following the Number for Ringnecks

Following the Number for Ringnecks By Tim Ackarman Introduced to Iowa in the early 1900s, ringneck pheasants were the premier game species across most of state from the 1960s through the early 2000s. Beginning in 2007 habitat loss, changing agricultural practices and several consecutive years of unfavorable weather sent populations spiraling downward. Meanwhile deer, turkey […]