
Field Vocabulary: The Commands we give our Dog

Field Vocabulary: The Commands we give our Dog By Ryan Eder It dawned on me a few weeks back that situations arise in the field where we begin asking our dogs to do things that we may not focus on during offseason training. I was out of my layout blind, running the dog on a […]


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The 3.5 Guns Every Iowan Needs to Own

The 3.5 Guns Every Iowan Needs to Own By Michael Ware I had a bunch of guys in the shop the other day shucking and jiving and generally wasting my time. This happens more often than I’m happy with, but the reason I don’t get worked into a lather over it stems from the fact […]


Whitetails 365: Why Grain Food Plots

Whitetails 365: Why Grain Food Plots By Tom Peplinski Each winter, I go over what worked and what didn’t during last year’s deer season. The self-assessment is really taking place during the entire season. Did my access points to the properties I hunt offer me concealment? Were my setups close enough for archery hunting? Do […]


Crow Calling March Madness

Crow Calling March Madness By Troy Hoepker As the upland and deer seasons fade in the rear view mirror hunters are left with the question of, “What are we going to hunt now?” Coyotes are always on the radar this time of year but if you prefer wing shooting, there is one wise and crafty […]


Shed Antler Hunting: An art of logic, luck and long walks

Shed Antler Hunting: An art of logic, luck and long walks By Kent Boucher Christmas gifts are excellent indicators of what makes a person tick. Allow me to explain. Most people would probably identify themselves as fitting into one of these three categories: havers, experiencers, and those who fall into both categories. If you were […]


New Bows for 2021

New Bows for 2021 By Jessica Graham The archery industry has witnessed a plethora of improvements, especially in the last 30 years. These changes have caught the attention of more and more archers and has aided to the popularity of archery and bow hunting. 2021 is still welcoming innovations to the archery world. Some of […]


Henry’s First Turkey Hunt Part 1

Henry’s First Turkey Hunt Part 1 By Steve Bellrichard “Shoot him when you’re ready” I said to my son Henry on that warm spring evening. The gobbler stopped 10 yards from our blind and froze. It seemed like hours before Henry pulled the trigger, leaving me time to recall all the preparations and practice that […]


Pursuing an Iowa Ghost: The Bobcat

Pursuing an Iowa Ghost: The Bobcat By Troy Hoepker They’re here! I can almost sense their presence as each footstep drives us deeper into their sanctuary. It’s like that every time I’m here. Fortifications Mother Nature has built up over hundreds of years surround us in the shape of rugged hills, acres and acres of […]


Trapping Coyote and Their Impact On The Ecosystem – Podcast