
Constructing a Pheasant Haven
Constructing a Pheasant Haven By Tim Ackarman By creating or enhancing wildlife habitat, landowners can turn almost any Iowa tract into a pheasant-hunting paradise. While introducing non-native species has often created unforeseen problems, the importation of the ring-necked pheasant from Asia has been a rare unmitigated success. In the late 19th and early 20th century’s […]
Spring Food Plotting Q & A
Spring Food Plotting Q & A By Tom Peplinski By April of each year, if you haven’t already, you should be planning for the year’s food plots. The number one question I get each and every year is always centered on WHAT to plant? There are probably hundreds of specific scenarios that can play out […]
Whitetails 365: The Kill Plot
Whitetails 365: The Kill Plot By Tom Peplinski • Sponsored by Hunt of a Lifetime I get a many questions about what to plant for food plots. It’s the biggest question whitetail hunters who plant food plots ask. More specifically, the question of what to plant for food plots inside timber. Small plots surrounded by […]
“Wrapped up World”
“Wrapped up World” By Bruster Beaty As my AeroMexico flight touched the runway at Campeche International Airport, I realized the first, and easiest, leg of this adventure had been completed. The quest was to finally wrap-up my Turkey World Slam. Having taken my Grand Slam (Eastern, Merriam, Rio and Osceola) during the 2006 calendar year […]
Run and Gun Turkey Hunting Strategy Podcast
Turkey Hunting: It Begins and Ends with the Roost
Turkey Hunting: It Begins and Ends with the Roost By Aaron Stonehocker Sitting in that crowded blind during the opening hours of my first turkey season is a memory that far from escapes my mind when I think about a successful hunt. It was just chilly enough for a double sweatshirt and to watch the […]
Don’t Do These Turkey Hunting “Didn’ts”
Don’t Do These Turkey Hunting “Didn’ts” By Gary Parsons Geesh what a mouth full of a title huh? Hopefully I can make sense of it for you. In the world of turkey hunting we all know that you have to do many things right in order to be successful. So if you shoot a Tom […]
Sunrise Success: Shooting that Early Morning Gobbler
Sunrise Success: Shooting that Early Morning Gobbler By Ryan Graden There is nothing like stepping out of the front door and meeting that cool spring breeze with my face on opening morning of turkey season. It’s like Christmas all over again. In the excitement of putting my gear on one item at a time, I […]
Keeping Your Bird Dog in Range
Keeping Your Bird Dog in Range By Ryan Eder One of the best compliments I feel a bird hunter can get (other than comments about how great of a shot you are, which never happens to me) is “how did you get your dog to stay in range like that?” Having our dog hunt at […]
The Ultimate Deer Hunting Property
The Ultimate Deer Hunting Property By Ricky Kinder As an avid deer hunter here in Iowa I am always thinking or more specifically dreaming of that perfect deer hunting property and how great it would be to actually call myself the owner of such a property. You know what I am talking about; that perfect […]