
Tips For Impactful Trail Camera Scouting

Tips For Impactful Trail Camera Scouting By Jessica Graham During summer, deer hunters begin to get excited for the upcoming bow season. Lots of scouting and treestand work begins now in preparation for opening day. Over the last 20 years we have seen hunters completely change hunting strategies to incorporate trail cameras. We have seen […]


Take a Newbie Shooting. Part 2

Take a Newbie Shooting. Part 2 By Barry B. Snell Once you arrive at the range, get all your gear unpacked, and you’re on the firing line and almost ready to go, it’s a good idea to stop and take a moment to go over the safety rules again. Your newbie is going to be […]


Minerals: Health, Antlers, and Photos!

Minerals: Health, Antlers, and Photos! By Dan Johnson Hopefully by now you have had time to knock on a few doors and gain access to more hunting property on which you get the opportunity to maybe try what we discuss in the following articles. If you haven’t had the chance to do any shed hunting […]


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Should I Breed My Dog?

Should I Breed My Dog? By Ryan Eder A simple google search this morning told me a lot when I began prepping to write this article; “how many puppies are born each year in the United States?” What would your guess be? The first result that popped up in my search was that of up […]


Whitetails 365: Can You Plant Too Much Food?

Whitetails 365: Can You Plant Too Much Food? By Tom Peplinski For as long as I can remember, at least the past 20 seasons, I try to make an honest assessment of how my whitetail season went after it’s over each year. The assessment is made in overall terms of how good my chances were […]


A Story of Safety

A Story of Safety By Drew Henry The ducks have been scouted. The spread has been set. You are waiting with sheer anticipation in your layout blind, blanketed over by the early morning darkness. You are blessed to have your father along on the hunt, both of you sipping hot coffee and taking in the […]


Three Simple Late Season Turkey Tips

Three Simple Late Season Turkey Tips By Ricky Kinder Gobblers are silent, don’t respond to decoys or calls, have been breeding and fighting, and have been pressured and shot at by hunters for over a month now. If you thought early season turkey hunting was tough then welcome to late season turkey hunting! However with […]


The “Goods” & “Bads” of Late Turkey Hunting

The “Goods” & “Bads” of Late Turkey Hunting By Ryan Graden As you are reading this article, you may or may not know that the 4th Iowa Turkey hunting season is just around the corner! Time is ticking away and the end of Iowa’s turkey seasons is coming near, but it’s not over yet! No […]


The Gun Shy Dog

The Gun Shy Dog By Ryan Eder I can see how having a hunting dog that is afraid of gunfire is a problem, can you? It would be difficult to hunt with your dog if gunfire scared them away, or caused them to demonstrate anxiety or confusion. The issue of gun shyness in our hunting […]