
Summer Skin Care

Summer Skin Care By Jessica Graham My friend grabbed his hat before we ventured outside. I’m used to seeing him without a hat, so this was a little different routine. I must have had a confused look on my face, because he began to explain a meeting he had with his physician, warning him of […]


How To Get your Kids Ready for the Upcoming Hunting Seasons

How To Get your Kids Ready for the Upcoming Hunting Seasons By Ryan Graden As much as summer months bring the warmth that we have been longing for, it also means that our hunting seasons have come to an end. Sure, there still other things to do in the outdoors. It doesn’t mean that we […]


Iowa’s Top Six Hiking Trails

Iowa’s Top Six Hiking Trails By Candace Weis Some of the best times to be had are exploring the outdoors. When most people think of wilderness and exploration they picture Yellowstone or Yosemite. However, it seems the more famous the park, the more people observe from within climate controlled cars. Like a drive-through zoo, people […]


The History of the Fur Trade in Iowa: Part Two

The History of the Fur Trade in Iowa: Part Two By Troy Hoepker Last month we chronicled the early beginnings of the first fur traders to enter Iowa lands in the late 1600’s and the development of the fur trade from then until after the Revolutionary War. In this month’s edition we move forward from […]


Whitetail Summer School

Whitetail Summer School By Ryan Graden Our country in 2020 took a turn that we had never dealt with before. Covid-19 sent us into cover and, in many ways, hindered living in ways that we could never imagine. Our freedoms, to a certain degree, have been suspended by a “bug” that none of us could […]


3 Attractions for the Sportsman To Enjoy at the Iowa State Fair

3 Attractions for the Sportsman To Enjoy at the Iowa State Fair By Jessica Graham It’s July, and chances are if you are in Iowa, you are thinking about a trip to the Iowa State Fair. It is an Iowa staple in August; most Iowans venture out to the fair to view the animals, live […]


Summer Deer Season Preparation

Summer Deer Season Preparation By Aaron McKinney It’s July and for bowhunters all across the state they will begin patterning summer deer and making plans for the upcoming bow season, youth season and early muzzleloader season. If you are like me, keeping low pressure on your hunting area is always a top priority. Mature deer […]


Whitetails 365: Strategizing with Trail Cameras

Whitetails 365: Strategizing with Trail Cameras By Noel Gandy The phrase “here he comes again” was a common displeasured utterance at my local Walmart photography department during my youth. Trail cameras that housed 35mm cameras were becoming all the rage and my brother and I had collectively received a unit for Christmas. We’d load the […]


Iowa’s Biggest Off-Highway Vehicle Park

Iowa’s Biggest Off-Highway Vehicle Park By Jessica Graham Some of my best memories during my teenage years encompass four wheeling with friends. Four wheeling for youth is often their first introduction to driving and is a chance to make mistakes and learn from them. I am very thankful for those years and memories and the […]


Public Enemy: Hunting Turkeys on Public Ground

Public Enemy: Hunting Turkeys on Public Ground By Ryan Graden Your season has come and you are rearing to go! You have a tag in your pocket and the itch to get out in the timber and chase some big Iowa Easterns. The gun is dusted off, you have the ammo, the camo, and the […]