
Shoot your trophy during the early season!

Shoot your Trophy during the Early Season! By Ricky Kinder October 1 is a date that archery hunters in Iowa treat as a holiday, as it is the opening day of archery season for whitetail! While those last few weeks always seem to drag on, the season will be here before we know it. Although […]


Time to Learn: Waterfowl Calling 101

Time to Learn: Waterfowl Calling 101 By Ryan Graden Waterfowl hunting is a science. Collectively there are so many factors that play into your level of success in the field and it takes years to even begin to understand it all. I started hunting ducks and geese at an older age than most. At twenty […]


Best Stand Locations for Whitetail Behaviors

Best Stand Locations for Whitetail Behaviors By Ryan Graden Sometimes this is the most frustrating decision a hunter has to make. Where do I put my stand? If I put it there, they might go this way. However, if I put it there, they might go that way. If it’s here, the wind might be […]


Whitetails 365: Manipulating A Deer’s Nose

Whitetails 365: Manipulating A Deer’s Nose By Noel Gandy On September 10, 2021 I was stuck in the office on a beautiful, bluebird day. All I wanted to do was get outside and do some deer hunting prep. After deciding I couldn’t take it any longer, I closed up shop early and headed towards a […]


Isolating Your Target Buck

Isolating Your Target Buck By Ryan Graden I’ll never forget that first picture of him. The buck that made my mind race and my heart skip a beat. You see, over the years that I’ve been deer hunting, I had set some lofty goals of deer that I would like to harvest in my life […]


5 Land Access Types in Iowa

5 Land Access Types in Iowa By Nick Martin You may have heard stories from members of your family or friends about the “hay day” of Iowa Pheasant hunting but never experienced anything like those stories yourself. Although Iowa has not recently been known for its miles of grasslands or public hunting like some other […]


Hunting Iowa’s Wild Pheasants

Hunting Iowa’s Wild Pheasants By Troy Hoepker As my son Dylan and I turned onto the gravel road leading to our opening day hunting spot last fall we kept our fingers crossed that maybe we’d be lucky enough to be the first hunters to arrive at the IHAP public hunting farm. It was still a […]


Preparing For Waterfowl Season

Preparing For Waterfowl Season By Nick Johnson The humid heat of summer keeps many of our minds averted from cupped wings and bobbing decoys. For a lot of hunters, myself included, it can be tough to get in the mindset of waterfowl hunting until the season is literally upon us. You rush to assemble the […]


What’s in a Hunt Test?

What’s in a Hunt Test? By Ryan J. Eder As bird hunters there is so much we enjoy about our experiences in the field. Shooting your limit of birds, enjoying time with family and friends, or simply taking in the outdoors are all part of those great experiences. I am going to be honest; I […]


10 Disasters to Avoid with your Gundog

10 Disasters to Avoid with your Gundog By Kent Boucher I remember as a kid thumbing through an outdoor magazine and noticing a striking advertisement- the product being advertised was evidently irrelevant to the function of my long term memory, but the message must have been worthy. In bold white lettering above a picture of […]