
Get High For Turkeys

Get High For Turkeys By Bruster Beaty Turkey hunting….by far my favorite species of game to chase! The challenge these non-domesticated, Thanksgiving table fare provide; is what continuously draws me from pillow and quilt to the strategic battle that invariably will be undertaken. As any early morning “brush stumbler” has discovered, these “strut studs” often […]


Cold Calling New Coyote Properties

Cold Calling New Coyote Properties By Troy Hoepker It doesn’t matter whether it’s deer hunting, pheasant hunting or coyote hunting, each time we gain permission on a new spot we as hunters see visions of limitless birds, huge bucks or dozens of coyotes emerging before our eyes like some fantasy from our dreams that we’ve […]



A Deer Hunters Journey By Ben Leal The North American whitetail deer…one of the most sought after and elusive quarries in Iowa. These animals have keen senses that they use to full advantage, to their advantage and to yours the hunters, disadvantage. They have large ears that can pick up the sound of leaves crunching […]


Whitetails 365: Advantages and Disadvantages of Supplemental Feeding and Minerals

Whitetails 365: Advantages and Disadvantages of Supplemental Feeding and Minerals By Aaron McKinney If you are an avid whitetail hunter you are probably pondering the options about supplemental feeding and minerals this late winter/early spring. A decade ago, practically every sportsman was setting out mineral sites. A few things changed, both ethically and physically, and […]


Iowa Pheasants Make A Comeback

Iowa Pheasants Make A Comeback By Jessica Graham Growing up, I would hear hunting stories from my Dad about his youth, most of these were shared while we were in the field pursuing our own game. During his youth, deer were scarce, there were just a few days a year set aside for deer hunting […]


Planting Switchgrass for Cover

Planting Switchgrass for Cover By Steve Webner “Switchgrass on my property would be a great way to bring in the pheasants”. This is what I told myself, an avid pheasant hunter, after I bought a small acreage in northwest Iowa. However, I knew enough about plants to know that I was no agronomist, and the […]


Scouting Spring Toms

Scouting Spring Toms By Noel Gandy The doldrums of winter will soon be behind us. Spring will begin to spring forth, and a whole world of outdoor opportunities will be available to the Iowa outdoorsman. Shed hunting for deer antlers will be high on folks’ priority list. Finding delicious morel mushrooms will take high priority. […]


So you want to be a dog breeder?

So you want to be a dog breeder? By Ryan Eder Being a dog breeder consists of several responsibilities to your dogs and your clients. You are providing customers with a family member and a twelve plus year commitment; not a responsibility one should take lightly. The time and money necessary to have healthy and […]


New Year’s Resolutions for Sportsman

New Year’s Resolutions for Sportsman By Ben Leal New Year’s Eve…2022… we’ll be up late and watch the ball drop in New York City signifying the sunset of the year and the dawn of a new one. Like every year that has come and gone, folks from all walks of life resolve to make a […]


Snaring Coyotes on Edges & Points

Snaring Coyotes on Edges & Points By Joshua Jones It was January 2nd, 2008. My trapping partner, Justin Garrison, was riding with me headed toward a new farm we had just acquired to trap on and we knew it held coyotes. We turned onto the paved road that lead to the property and did what […]