
Dressing Up Your Pond with Native Habitat

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Enjoying Iowa’s Outdoors From The Sky

Enjoying Iowa’s Outdoors From The Sky By Jessica Graham Drones are an excellent way to have fun and explore the world from a different perspective. With their advanced technology and capabilities, they offer a wide range of possibilities for outdoor activities. Here are some of the ways you can have fun with a drone outside. […]


Curing a Shooting Slump

Curing a Shooting Slump By Troy Hoepker Dealing with a miss is frustrating enough, but dealing with several misses in a row is maddening at times. Shooting firearms is a bit like anything else that takes hand-eye coordination, good balance and proper mechanics. Sometimes one simple thing is all it takes to correct a problem […]


Turkey Nightmare Henned Up

Turkey Nightmare Henned Up By Ryan Becker A henned up tom is a nightmare that we as turkey hunters will ultimately face many times over in our turkey hunting career. For those that haven’t heard the term “henned-up”, it basically describes a situation where a tom has found a hen or group of hens and […]


Puppy Development – The Most Important Stage In Your Gundogs Training

Puppy Development – The Most Important Stage In Your Gundogs Training By Ryan Eder – President, Southfork Retrievers, Avery Outdoors In the past months we have been discussing puppies, starting with picking a breed, a reputable breeder, and then basic puppy management. This month let’s touch on some concepts to help you develop a great […]


The Legend of Virgil: A Story of the Haney Buck

The Legend of Virgil: A Story of the Haney Buck By Nick Johnson I first met Travis Haney about eleven years ago while I was working for The Iowa Sportsman Magazine and filming hunts. We were searching for a prostaffer to film with and Travis was one of the applicants whose video interviews came across […]


Share Your Hunt: How To Take Your Hunting Stories to the Next Level

Share Your Hunt: How To Take Your Hunting Stories to the Next Level By Aaron Stonehocker Every Successful hunt is always capped off with a story that you will be telling for years to come. As sportsmen, one thing we all can agree on is that the memory of a hunt is as vivid in […]


You Might Be An Iowa Sportsman If…

You Might Be An Iowa Sportsman If… If Jeff Foxworthy is the king of Rednecks then Iowa sportsmen are king of, well Iowa sportsmen. We thought it would be fun to take a card out of Foxworthy’s deck and see what fellow Iowa sportsmen would come up with if posed the question “You might be […]


Turkey Hunting Scenarios

Turkey Hunting Scenarios By Ryan Graden Turkey season is just around the corner and I have the turkey hunting bug! I can’t wait for that first morning when I can get out in the timber here in Iowa to chase the big Easterns that make the hardwoods their home. I enjoy engaging them in a […]


Whitetails 365

Whitetails 365 Should you Plant a Spring Food Plot By Aaron McKinney Planting spring food plots can be a key factor in setting deer hunters up for success in the fall and winter. A lot of times, hunters focus solely on fall food plots. If you’ve lived in Iowa long, you know our August and […]