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Fishing New Water Under The Ice

Fishing New Water Under The Ice By Ben Leal One of the challenges we all face, whether you’re fishing from a boat or standing on the ice on a new body of water, the question becomes, “where do we fish?” With the advent of modern technology, and much of it portable now, we can make […]


Is A New Fishing Boat in your Future

Is A New Fishing Boat in your Future By Jessica Graham Over the past year Iowans have been spending more time together as a family in the outdoors. Fishing and boating have become popular activities where families can unwind, relax and enjoy each other’s company in the setting of nature. Perhaps you have been debating […]


Things That Ruin Ice Fishing Success

Things That Ruin Ice Fishing Success By Todd Reed Ice fishing has been a passion of mine since 1990, it doesn’t seem possible, but the allure of cutting a hole in the ice to catch fish gets my blood pumping every winter. Growing up during my school days I eagerly awaited Sundays when we would […]


Artificial Baits for Toothy Critters

Artificial Baits for Toothy Critters By Kyle Wood When ice hits the waters most anglers jump at the chance to get out after their favorite species of fish. For many anglers panfish are usually the perennial favorite. Then there are those who like fish that get big and often can carry an attitude. Walleye and […]


Ice Fishing Gear – Getting Your Combo On

Ice Fishing Gear – Getting Your Combo On By Ben Leal When I first started ice fishing it was literally a foreign language to me. Moving to the mid-west and experiencing days of temperatures below zero was quite the eye-opener. Long before my first adventure out on the ice, I had visions of a guy […]


Purchasing Your Next Camper

Purchasing Your Next Camper By Jessica Graham In 1872, the United States congress recognized the beauty and importance of the nature surrounding us and set aside land which would later be used to establish the world’s first national park, Yellowstone National Park. Since the establishment, thousands of other parks have been established for tourists and […]


A Day on the Ice with… me!

A Day on the Ice with… me! By Rod Woten One of the questions I hear several times every ice season as I’m presenting seminars or making retail in-store appearances is, “what’s it like to be an Ice Team Pro?”  Simply put, it is AWESOME!  I get to travel the ice belt and talk about […]


Pre-Ice Ice Preparation

Pre-Ice Ice Preparation By Rod Woten It’s hard to believe that we could legitimately be walking on water in a handful of weeks. As I write this, it is 90 degrees outside and it feels more like ice fishing season is months away instead of weeks. Eventually, Mother Nature will get with the program and […]


Change with the Weather to Catch More Fishing this Fall

Change with the Weather to Catch More Fishing this Fall By Todd Reed Fall has arrived here in Iowa. There have been many signs of this for quite some time; shorter days, crisp morning air, the turning of the leaves and the mysterious fog that settles in over lakes and ponds. Everything around us is […]