
Trolling for Walleyes over the Weeds
Trolling for Walleyes over the Weeds By Steve Weisman Last August, I had the chance to listen to Jon Thelen, walleye guide and host of Lindy’s Fish Ed Television Series, give a fishing seminar at the Okoboji Blue Water Festival. His topic was “Walleyes in the Weeds,” and I was excited to hear what his […]
Summertime, Shad and Square Bills
Summertime, Shad and Square Bills By Steve Bellrichard I decided to fish my way through 2020, the year of social isolation, and experienced the most epic day of largemouth bass fishing of my life. I have no idea how many bass I caught the morning of August 7th, but I fished one spot for an […]
Working to protect shoreline north of Bedell State Park on East Lake Okoboji
Working to protect shoreline north of Bedell State Park on East Lake Okoboji By Steve Weisman Over the years, residents and visitors have stepped up many times to help protect the waters of the Iowa Great Lakes. From providing financial support to help purchase lands that impact the waters, to being volunteers, to reaching out […]
Camping: Plan Around Your Families Wants and Needs
Camping: Plan Around Your Families Wants and Needs By Earl Taylor When Moses headed into the wilderness, he was told to take just his staff and the bare necessities with him; God told him that He would provide. Moses ate manna, quail and had water gushing from a rock. Pretty good first camping experience if […]
Improving Walleye and Musky Fishing in Iowa Project Update
Improving Walleye and Musky Fishing in Iowa Project Update By Ben Leal Walleye always seem to be at the top of our favorite fish to chase here in Iowa. March begins the Walleye spawning run in many rivers and lakes, tempting fishermen and women out of hibernation to chase after them just after ice-out. Musky…the […]
A Family Campout to Remember
A Family Campout to Remember By Kent Boucher Camping is a common ground outdoor experience for most American families at some point in the formative years. Inevitably, some of these campouts will unravel into miserable one and done experiences that will later tell the hilarious tale of six inch rainfall, relentless mosquitoes, unfathomably filthy pit […]
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Windy Walleyes
Windy Walleyes By Ben Leal When it comes to fishing in the wind there are two camps; there are the “I don’t fish in the wind” campers, and then there are the “I love fishing in the wind” campers. Ironically enough, both camps and fishing styles do yield results. But, when it comes to the […]
Iowa’s State Record Fish: Part 1
Iowa’s State Record Fish: Part 1 By Ben Leal Iowans enjoy some of the best outdoor opportunities of any State within this great Nation of ours. We have whitetail deer hunting that is without a doubt one of the best. Turkey is not far behind and pheasant are on the rebound. We are bordered by […]
Addressing Boating Issues
Addressing Boating Issues By Steve Weisman In an earlier article, we discussed boating issues or mistakes that can adversely affect our experiences, specifically trailering issues. Now, let’s take a look at other issues. In this article, we will cover drain plugs, electronics, anchors and addressing storms. #1-Drain plug With the importance of draining our livewells […]