
Iowa’s Big Water Largemouth Challenge

Iowa’s Big Water Largemouth Challenge By Todd Reed Iowa may be known for its small farm ponds when you go outside our borders, but the large bodies of water in the state can provide some great largemouth bass fishing too.  Not only for numbers of fish, but quality as well. The bigger bodies of water […]


Iowa Nature Center Destinations

Iowa Nature Center Destinations Edited by Jessica Graham I remember one of my first school field trips, a trip to Sharon Bluffs State Park and Nature Center. As kids, we were so excited to get out of the class room and explore and learn. Nature centers play several important roles in Iowa. They serve learning […]


Prepare Your Truck Storage for Outdoor Adventure

Prepare Your Truck Storage for Outdoor Adventure By Jessica Graham My first introduction to deer hunting was tagging along with my Dad during Iowa’s first shotgun season. Every year, he would get together with his two brothers and Dad to hunt the southern Iowa timber and farmland that they loved. The hunting party grew as […]


Cast Iron Cooking

Cast Iron Cooking By Jacob Dean When it comes to cooking while camping, there are numerous options to suit different preferences, needs, and styles of outdoor cooking. It’s hard to beat the taste and feel of cooking directly over an open flame. It is a classic camping tradition. Campfire cooking can be done using cast […]


You want to be a Fishing Guide

You want to be a Fishing Guide By Brad Durick I have written this article before but every few years it seems situations change and the world needs a reminder as to what a fishing guide does and some need to be asked if it is really the right avenue for them. Some of this […]


Fishing Iowa’s Big Three

Fishing Iowa’s Big Three By Ben Leal There’s nothing like taking the boat out on a big body of water and exploring the endless possibilities available to not only anglers but to recreational boaters, skiers, windsurfing, sailing; the list goes on. We’re going to explore exploring the big three here in Iowa, Saylorville Lake, Red […]


Walleyes: The Springtime Spawn

Walleyes: The Springtime Spawn By Nick Johnson With the close of the ice season, many anglers dream about the rivers or lakes opening up and the hunt for big walleyes. Often times this transition is only a few weeks apart. Timing and water temperature are crucial along with depth and water levels in the river. […]


Overlooked Fishing Destinations in Iowa

Overlooked Fishing Destinations in Iowa By Todd Reed Growing up in Iowa and fishing as much as I could I never took the time to realize how fortunate we are to have the natural resources that we do.  Perhaps it is being over four decades old, or perhaps it is the reflective mind that I […]


Bowfishing Opportunities in Iowa

Bowfishing Opportunities in Iowa By Nick Johnson Bowfishing has always held a special place in my heart. In fact, bowfishing is the only form of archery that I have ever done outside of some casual target practice with a longbow. I first started when I was about 14 years old. My dad had an old […]


Chasing Muskies in Iowa’s Waters

Chasing Muskies in Iowa’s Waters By Jacob Dean Beneath the surface of some of Iowa’s larger northern lakes and rivers lurks a prehistoric predator – the mighty Muskellunge, or muskie for short. Muskies offer a unique challenge and an unforgettable thrill for those lucky enough to hook one. These freshwater giants can easily surpass 50 […]