
Basic Fall Channel Cats
Basic Fall Channel Cats By Brad Durick It’s been a long summer of catfishing. If you live in the Midwest it has been marred with storms and high water. Nowhere has it been a normal year so to speak but now the fall bite is on the way and this might be just the time […]
Catching Hot Water Bass
Catching Hot Water Bass By Dan Turner Late summer is here and in the Midwest that means heat, humidity, county fairs, and hot water fishing! Break out the 50 SPF, put the water or Gatorade on ice and let’s go! Traditionally lots of anglers find themselves fishing slower in cold water and faster in warm […]
Wastewater discharge in Fort Dodge reaches Des Moines River
Wastewater discharge in Fort Dodge reaches Des Moines River Article courtesy of Iowa Department of Natural Resources MEDIA CONTACT: Jeremy Klatt, DNR, at 641-425-8042, or DES MOINES – The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is investigating a wastewater discharge at the City of Fort Dodge in Webster County. On August 28, the DNR Field […]
Fishing Iowa
Fishing Iowa By Ben Leal When it comes to fishing here in Iowa, we have one of the most diverse opportunities than many other states. We’re bookended by two major rivers, the Mississippi and Missouri, and in between lies a variety of opportunities for anglers to chase after their favorite quarry. Whether you’re fishing for […]
Your Child’s Premier Outing
Your Child’s Premier Outing What to think about and consider before you go By Ryan Graden So the time is finally here! You’re thinking the kids are old enough to go on their first hunt or fishing trip. Or so you hope! Just remember, their first experience might make or break any future times in […]
Locating Hot Weather Smallies In Iowa
Locating Hot Weather Smallies In Iowa By Todd Reed The tug on the line and in the next instance a miraculous jump above the water…smallmouth bass. This is always the first image in my mind when someone says smallmouth bass. They are no doubt the most exciting fish that swims in our waters of Iowa. […]
A Day in the Life of a Bass
A Day in the Life of a Bass By Todd Reed I was asked at a professional conference one time, “What animal would you be in today’s world?” My answer was simple, a largemouth bass. I received plenty of odd looks from colleagues around the room, as most said some exotic African animal. Seriously, who […]
These are a few of my favorite streams…..
These are a few of my favorite streams….. By Rod Woten While they’re not raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens, there are definitely a few of Iowa’s fabled coldwater spring streams that have become my favorites for chasing angry brown trout, elusive brook trout or flashy rainbow trout. Some of them are my favorite […]
Catch Your Biggest Bass Right Now
Catch Your Biggest Bass Right Now By Todd Reed Spring is probably the most anticipated season of the year here in Iowa. Flowers start popping up, the grass is bright green, wildlife is everywhere and the chill of winter has left for another year. As outdoors people, our anticipation turns to enjoying the trails, perhaps […]
Ways to Rig Plastics
Ways to Rig Plastics By Todd Reed Texas-Rig This is a mainstay for anglers searching for bass. It can be used with any soft plastic that you want banging around the bottom of the lake. NO matter the plastic you choose rigging is the same for each style of bait. Run the top of your […]