
Surviving the Trip of a Lifetime
Surviving the Trip of a Lifetime By Ryan Woythaler It’s the fishing trip you’ve waited your lifetime for. Years of hearing stories and dreaming about Canada’s north woods fishing and you are finally making it happen. A week with your best friend in a remote fly-in lodge, what more could a guy ask for? You […]
Hanging out in Iowa: Hammock Camping in the Hawkeye State
Hanging out in Iowa: Hammock Camping in the Hawkeye State By Rod and Laura Woten It doesn’t seem to matter where we camp, our hammock setup always seems to be the talk of the campground. If we had a nickel for every person that stops by and asks to check out the hammocks that Laura […]
My 5 Best Largemouth Tips
My 5 Best Largemouth Tips By Todd Reed The largemouth bass, the most familiar fish in the country lives all around us. No matter if you fish a farm pond, a local river, county park, one of the 100’s of man-made lakes around Iowa, or the Mighty Mississippi River, the largemouth bass is waiting for […]
Learning to Fly Fish Iowa
Learning to Fly Fish Iowa By Nathan Graham When you think fly fishing, I’ll bet you picture mountains, streams and waders – at least I do. However, some excellent opportunities exist right here in Iowa. All Iowans have access to either public or private ponds or lakes. When ponds or lakes are calm and the […]
Beat The Heat! Bring The Great Outdoors, Indoors
Beat The Heat! Bring The Great Outdoors, Indoors By Kent Boucher I have every reason to list summer as my favorite season. It serves as my respite from a year of long weeks in the classroom as a science teacher. My birthday is in early August. My family usually takes a cross country vacation, plus […]
Summer Skin Care
Summer Skin Care By Jessica Graham My friend grabbed his hat before we ventured outside. I’m used to seeing him without a hat, so this was a little different routine. I must have had a confused look on my face, because he began to explain a meeting he had with his physician, warning him of […]
Knots for Fly Anglers
Knots for Fly Anglers By Rod Woten Anglers love their knots. I think the only other group that displays more affinity towards knots would be The Boy Scouts. Fortunately, for most recreational freshwater anglers, a couple good knots are really all you need to know. That being said, almost everyone has their favorite method for […]
Iowa Trout Grand Slam
Iowa Trout Grand Slam By Rod Woten Brace yourselves. Those of you unaware that Iowa has fishable trout populations may be in for a shock. Not only DOES Iowa have fishable trout populations in the northeast corner of the state…some of which do NOT rely on regular stocking to maintain their population…but Iowa actually has […]
Iowa’s Top Six Hiking Trails
Iowa’s Top Six Hiking Trails By Candace Weis Some of the best times to be had are exploring the outdoors. When most people think of wilderness and exploration they picture Yellowstone or Yosemite. However, it seems the more famous the park, the more people observe from within climate controlled cars. Like a drive-through zoo, people […]
Addressing Boating Issues
Addressing Boating Issues By Steve Weisman In an earlier article, we discussed boating issues or mistakes that can adversely affect our experiences, specifically trailering issues. Now, let’s take a look at other issues. In this article, we will cover drain plugs, electronics, anchors and addressing storms. #1-Drain plug With the importance of draining our livewells […]