
Breaking Down Ice Fishing – Podcast
Join Dan Johnson and Steve Weisman this episode as they discuss all things Ice Fishing. Listen along as Steve gets into how to locate fish under the ice and what kind of structure to commonly look for when out on the ice. Steve also goes into depth about proper bait selection and ways to present […]
Raps for Trout: Strategies Through the Ice Using Hard Baits
Raps for Trout: Strategies Through the Ice Using Hard Baits By Nick Johnson Two years ago I became acquainted with a method for catching trout through the ice that quickly developed into a go-to strategy. I found success not only locating active fish but tempting skittish biters into taking the bait. I’ve watched a fair […]
Fishing Myth Busters
No matter how often you fish, or don’t fish there are many people that have certain beliefs about fishing. What makes fishing better…what you can’t do when you fish. There are many myths about fishing that the common public say and truly believe in. Perhaps Grandpa said these things about fishing, or the guide you […]
Fishing Paradigms
“They’re not biting.” If, during the course of this season, you’ve taken up my challenge and made serious attempts to get out and take advantage of what you’ve learned here, chances are great that you, or someone else has uttered these words. In the business world a paradigm is an obvious, or not quite so […]
Best of Both Worlds
When Van Halen released their 1986 hit song “Best of Both Worlds”, I highly doubt they had fly fishing in mind. That’s unfortunate because my favorite fly fishing rig, the “hopper-dropper”, gives me exactly what they’re talking about in their song. It allows me to catch Northeast Iowa trout in the two worlds that their […]
Gold On Ice: Tactics for Winter Carp
By: Nick Johnson Pound for pound, not many North American fish in fresh water fight harder than the Common Carp. There is no question that many, if not most of our bodies of water in the state contain them and plenty of anglers have had their hardware tested by the brute fight of one of […]
Fly Fishing for Stream Carp: Iowa’s Bonefish
By: Nick Johnson Arguably the hardest fight I have ever experienced on a fly rod did not come from a 4lb smallmouth bass, or a 20″ cutthroat trout, or even a pike, all of which I have landed on fly gear. No, the hardest fight came from an average sized common carp a few miles […]