
A Day of Giants: Bowfishing Adventure
A Day of Giants: Bowfishing Adventure By Nick Johnson It was a day with an outcome that wasn’t planned. Myself, and good friend Eric Katzenmeyer were set up to fish for bass in Cedar Lake just west of the twin cities. Eric lives in the area and we thought it would be fun to stop […]
Iowa Trout Grand Slam – Podcast
Des Moines River Kayaking
Des Moines River Kayaking By Ricky Kinder The trip wasn’t off to a good start. At 6:30 p.m. on Friday May 10th my cousin Nick and I were standing in what used to be the parking lot for the Yellow Banks Park boat ramp, but was now consumed by the swollen Des Moines River. Three […]
Capturing Nature: Tips for making the most of your Outdoor Photos
Capturing Nature: Tips for making the most of your Outdoor Photos By Laura Woten Imagine the SCENE: trout fishing in the Driftless Region of Northeastern Iowa in the spring. The flowers are blooming, the trees are budding, and the water is flowing fast and clear. A mother doe and her new twin fawns wander up […]
Getting A New Boat Without Getting Hooked
Getting a new Boat without Getting Hooked For many of us, one of our prized possessions is our fishing boat. And you know what? It really doesn’t matter how old or how much we paid for it. The fishing rig we currently have is the one we have worked so hard to own. Just as […]
Hardwater Trout
Hardwater Trout By Rod Woten I LOVE to catch trout. Pound for pound, trout are one of the strongest fighting species that swims. Anyone that’s tried to subdue a trout to remove a hook, know that they are one solid muscle mass with unbelievable strength. Being a coldwater species, they also remain very aggressive at […]
Iowa Sportsman Top Ten Hunting Vehicles
Iowa Sportsman Top Ten Hunting Vehicles By Ryan Woythaler When Patrick asked me if I would be interested in doing a Top 10 hunting vehicles thread I jumped at the chance. Being a self proclaimed car enthusiast I thought this would be a really fun article to do. If only I had known then what […]
Early Ice Crappies
Ahhhh…nothing like your first trip out to the ice. Days prior to your first trip you go through the list, Vexilar battery…check; auger…check; load new line on your ice rods…check; ice jigs and bait…check; ice shack…check; lantern and heater tested…check; everything seems to be in order and ready to go. Reports are coming in that […]
Let’s Go Ice Fishing w/ Rod Woten – Podcast
Late Fall Strategies for Cold Water
The bite of cold has overcome Iowa by now, whitetail bucks are in rut and waterfowl hunting is picking up. With so many outdoor related distractions the thought of fishing takes a back burner to many. Even I find myself trading the rods for a shotgun at this point and celebrate the excitement of ice […]