
Troutin’ About in Iowa

Troutin’ About in Iowa Use the word “trout” and “Iowa” in the same sentence and you’ll definitely get some funny looks. Trout are rarely the first fish that comes to mind when most think of Iowa. Fish more typically thought of, as “Iowa fish” are bluegills, catfish, largemouth bass, white bass and crappies. I never […]


Iowa Sportsman Fishing Trip: Lake Rathbun

Iowa Sportsman Fishing Trip: Lake Rathbun By Clayton Will However you say it; Rathbun Lake or Lake Rathbun, it’s a must see Iowa Family Fishing Trip Destination. At 11,000 acres Lake Rathbun is easily Iowa’s largest body of water not called a river or stream. Nestled in Appanoose County Lake Rathbun is a popular spot […]


Chasing Those Summer Croakers!

Chasing Those Summer Croakers! By Ryan Graden It’s one of the sounds that you always hear in the outdoor setting of a movie, the low-bellowing undertone of that long-legged-lakeside sitter. He carefully studies his surroundings for any danger as he patiently waits for his next meal. I’m talking about the great bullfrog, one of nature’s […]


Iowa’s Trinity of Trout

Iowa’s Trinity of Trout By Rod Woten It’s often said that good things come in threes. Whoever established that had to have trout fished in Iowa’s trout country because that number certainly has some significance when we’re talking about Iowa trout. One of the most obvious trinities is the three species of trout; brook trout, […]


Fall Wipers And White Bass

Fall Wipers And White Bass By Johnnie Crain Make no mistake; fall fishing for wipers and white bass on lakes can be great fun. The action is fast and furious, exciting, hard work and these true members of the bass family fight like carp on steroids! Wipers are actually a hybrid cross between a white […]


A Day of Giants: Bowfishing Adventure

A Day of Giants: Bowfishing Adventure By Nick Johnson It was a day with an outcome that wasn’t planned. Myself,  and good friend Eric Katzenmeyer were set up to fish for bass in Cedar Lake just west of the twin cities. Eric lives in the area and we thought it would be fun to stop […]


Iowa Trout Grand Slam – Podcast


Des Moines River Kayaking

Des Moines River Kayaking  By Ricky Kinder The trip wasn’t off to a good start. At 6:30 p.m. on Friday May 10th my cousin Nick and I were standing in what used to be the parking lot for the Yellow Banks Park boat ramp, but was now consumed by the swollen Des Moines River. Three […]


Capturing Nature: Tips for making the most of your Outdoor Photos

Capturing Nature: Tips for making the most of your Outdoor Photos By Laura Woten Imagine the SCENE: trout fishing in the Driftless Region of Northeastern Iowa in the spring. The flowers are blooming, the trees are budding, and the water is flowing fast and clear. A mother doe and her new twin fawns wander up […]


Getting A New Boat Without Getting Hooked

Getting a new Boat without Getting Hooked For many of us, one of our prized possessions is our fishing boat. And you know what? It really doesn’t matter how old or how much we paid for it. The fishing rig we currently have is the one we have worked so hard to own. Just as […]