
Ways to Catch Summer Catfish on the River
Ways to Catch Summer Catfish on the River By Brad Durick Catching catfish on the surface looks pretty easy and it is. One of the beautiful things about catfishing in the 21st century is it can be as simple or as difficult as you want it to be. Ways to catch catfish are many. In […]
Catfishing Always Presents Challenges: You can be Prepared
Catfishing Always Presents Challenges: You can be Prepared By Brad Durick It seems if you catfish it is inevitable that something will happen that can turn your day upside down. Most of this is out of your control. If you fish enough you know how this can go all too well. You know that little […]
Getting A New Boat Without Getting Hooked
Getting a new Boat without Getting Hooked For many of us, one of our prized possessions is our fishing boat. And you know what? It really doesn’t matter how old or how much we paid for it. The fishing rig we currently have is the one we have worked so hard to own. Just as […]
Catfishing the Ice Out and Cold Water Period
Catfishing the Ice Out and Cold Water Period By Brad Durick Northern winters can get long especially for the catfish anglers of summer. These guys have been patiently waiting all winter for their beloved lakes and rivers to open up so they can get back at it. So after a long winter of laying around […]
Spring Catfish Strategy with Brad Durick – Podcast
Catfishing in the Off-Season
Catfishing in the Off-Season By Brad Durick It is nearing the end of the football season as I write this piece and I keep seeing and hearing references to the playoff teams that championships are won in the off season. The videos they play go back to recruiting or signing top players and current players […]
Tank of Gas Sportsman Getaways
Tank of Gas Sportsman Getaways By Earl Taylor The thought of a fancy vacation, complete with Disney World or a visit to the Grand Tetons is every parent’s hope; but reality sets in when the billfold is thin and time off from work is limited. Sometimes, life consumes us. You may need to break up […]
The Mighty Mississippi River – Podcast
Hard Water Channel Cats
Hard Water Channel Cats By Eric Katzenmeyer For many anglers, the word catfish conjures up thoughts of heavy line, circle hooks and bait so smelly you don’t dare touch it with bare hands. Fishing for catfish is a popular summertime activity. Rods can be propped up with a stick and one can pull up a […]
The New Craze: Catfish through the Ice
The New Craze: Catfish through the Ice By Brad Durick These days as winter sets in the angling crowd move into one of two camps. The crowd that locks themselves in the house for months and the crowd that gets excited for the cold weather fishing season. In the southern states over the past decade […]