
Camping: Plan Around Your Families Wants and Needs

Camping: Plan Around Your Families Wants and Needs By Earl Taylor When Moses headed into the wilderness, he was told to take just his staff and the bare necessities with him; God told him that He would provide. Moses ate manna, quail and had water gushing from a rock. Pretty good first camping experience if […]


Iowa’s State Record Fish: Part II

Iowa’s State Record Fish: Part II By Ben Leal Last month we took a look at the current State records for perch, walleye, northern pike and muskellunge or musky as they are known. We also noted some areas where an angler might have a chance at landing that next record. With warming waters we’ll start […]


A Family Campout to Remember

A Family Campout to Remember By Kent Boucher Camping is a common ground outdoor experience for most American families at some point in the formative years. Inevitably, some of these campouts will unravel into miserable one and done experiences that will later tell the hilarious tale of six inch rainfall, relentless mosquitoes, unfathomably filthy pit […]


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Iowa’s State Record Fish: Part 1

Iowa’s State Record Fish: Part 1 By Ben Leal Iowans enjoy some of the best outdoor opportunities of any State within this great Nation of ours. We have whitetail deer hunting that is without a doubt one of the best. Turkey is not far behind and pheasant are on the rebound. We are bordered by […]


Addressing Boating Issues

Addressing Boating Issues By Steve Weisman In an earlier article, we discussed boating issues or mistakes that can adversely affect our experiences, specifically trailering issues. Now, let’s take a look at other issues. In this article, we will cover drain plugs, electronics, anchors and addressing storms. #1-Drain plug With the importance of draining our livewells […]


K.I.S.S Catfish

K.I.S.S Catfish By Brad Durick In this day and age we all have the insatiable desire to learn as much as we can about what we love to do, in this case catfishing. From what is the sharpest hook to what is the best way to side image a hole full of catfish and set […]


Campfire Catfish

Campfire Catfish By Brad Durick Camping season is in full swing and it’s time to enjoy some good food around the fire after a long day of fishing, boating, hiking, climbing, kayaking or whatever your passion may be. With a little prep work done it’s simple to have a gourmet meal with minimal effort. What […]


5 Favorite Campgrounds Across Iowa

5 Favorite Campgrounds Across Iowa By Jessica Graham When summer rolls around, campers emerge and begin looking for new camping destinations. Some stunning campgrounds are hidden across Iowa and closer to home than some may realize. Camping is an activity that will fit you, regardless of you interests and current chapter in life. And since […]


The Spawn Of Catfish

The Spawn Of Catfish By Brad Durick If there is one time of the catfishing season that delivers the most complaints, the most negative attitude and the most arguments about how to catch a channel catfish, it is the spawn and the post spawn. These times happen every year whether we like it or not […]