
A new invasive hits the Iowa Great Lakes

A New Invasive Hits the Iowa Great Lakes By Steve Weisman I am sure by now that you have heard about the new “invasive” that has hit the Iowa Great Lakes. We’ve certainly had our share, and we have been warned by experts that there are a lot of other exotics knocking on the door. […]


Float Fishing: A Must Do Iowa Experience!

Float Fishing: A Must Do Iowa Experience! By Steve Weisman When I first moved to northwest Iowa over 30 years ago and I wanted to go fishing, I headed to one of the Iowa Great Lakes or some of the smaller lakes around. I never gave interior stream/river fishing much thought. About 20 years ago […]


Smallies in Iowa. Go Find Them!

Smallies in Iowa. Go Find Them! By Todd Reed A thump with a “zing” to your line can only mean one thing; a smallmouth bass has taken your offering.  Smallmouth bass live all over the state and are sought after very heavily, especially in the summer months.  If you have fished in an interior river […]


August Fun In The Sun

August Fun In The Sun By Ben Leal Iowa is one of those States that can definitely boast the four seasons. By the time January rolls around we are in a deep freeze with temps averaging in the mid-20’s to mid-30’s. Spring rolls around and things thaw out, temps rise and the rains come. Spring […]


Largemouth Success During Scorching Summer Days

Largemouth Success During Scorching Summer Days By Todd Reed A smoldering ninety-degree day with ninety percent humidity is probably not on the top of anyone’s wish list here in Iowa, but that is what we get many days. The first few weeks of August can be just about unbearable, but for those who love to […]


10 Ways to Reduce the Price per Pound

10 Ways to Reduce the Price per Pound By Earl Taylor Spending money brings me pain; spending money on eating out in a fancy restaurant brings me more pain; spending money on a new vehicle…I have never done this so I don’t know how much pain that would be; spending money on a hunting trip […]


Taking A Long-Lasting Memory

Taking A Long-Lasting Memory By Ryan Graden “A picture is worth a thousand words.” It’s a phrase that we’ve all heard before. However, as a sportsman, I would argue, “A picture is worth a thousand memories.” As I’m am typing this article in my office, I am surrounded by pictures and memories on my walls […]


Top Reasons Fish Go Tight Lipped

Top Reasons Fish Go Tight Lipped By Todd Reed “The fish aren’t biting”, “I always catch them here”, This bait always works”.  We have all said these things before and we have all had bad days out on the water.  I am a firm believer that the angler is in charge of their catches about […]


A Student of the Game

A Student of the Game Like any other sport we must be students By Brad Durick I recently read an article about one of my favorite hockey players, Mark Schiefele. The article talks about his upbringing in the sport of hockey and how even as a now established professional in the NHL he is always […]


Trying Something New In Iowa’s Outdoors

Trying Something New In Iowa’s Outdoors By Troy Hoepker With promise of a beautiful spring day, I had made plans for an all outdoors St. Patty’s Day a few years back for my 6-year old son Dylan and I. The plan was for us to go coyote calling together and then look for some Indian […]