
Late Season Goose Hunting

Late Season Goose Hunting Two Tricks for Late Season Long Necks By Nick Johnson I’ve never been overly fond of hot weather. In fact, anything over 80 degrees to me renders some level of discomfort unless I am in the water. My wife completely disagrees with this logic so that’s why we live in Iowa […]


Common Errors Made by Pheasant Hunters

Common Errors Made by Pheasant Hunters By Kent Boucher One of my favorite experiences is the sudden machine gun-like cadence of an eruption of flapping wings, accompanied by the appearance of a long streamer of tail feathers and the beautiful cola colored outline of a rooster pheasant. In the age of digital media overstimulation it’s […]


Henned-Up Tom Playbook

Henned-Up Tom Playbook By Ryan Becker A henned up tom is a nightmare that we as turkey hunters will ultimately face many times over in our turkey hunting career. For those that haven’t heard the term “henned-up”, it basically describes a situation where a tom has found a hen or group of hens and is […]


End of Year Reflection on Fishing Season

End of Year Reflection on Fishing Season By Todd Reed The leaves are now orange and on the ground, another fishing season is coming to an end. While this season is coming to a close another ice fishing season is around the corner. However, as anglers we all need to take a few minutes and […]