
What it is like to be a Tournament Bass Angler

What it is like to be a Tournament Bass Angler By Todd Reed Bass tournaments are the ultimate fishing thrill.  The feeling that you get at 5am as you hop in your boat and face your competitors for the day is like no other.  I have been fishing tournaments for twenty-five years and there is […]


Farm Ponds at their Finest

Farm Ponds at their Finest By Kent Boucher Fishing in Iowa is a diverse experience. Two heavyweight rivers set the borders on the East and West banks where 100 pound flatheads and extraterrestrial looking paddlefish wait for willing anglers. Flowing in stark contrast to those monstrous border waters are the pristine cold water creeks of […]


Improving deer health one test at a time

A new study by Mizzou researchers shows that infections, such as pneumonia, are a major cause of death in Midwestern white-tailed deer. The discovery can help tailor efforts to improve deer health. White-tailed deer. Source: Adobe Stock Oct. 30, 2024 Contact: Brian Consiglio, The cervid livestock business is one of the fastest-growing industries in rural […]


Iowa’s 5 Hardest Waterfowl to Decoy

Iowa’s 5 Hardest Waterfowl to Decoy By Nick Johnson In my 20 years hunting waterfowl in Iowa I have experienced the whole gamut of failure to success in a wide range of hunting scenarios. Sometimes it seems as though you have to fight the birds off your spread but those times are rare, at least […]