
In-Season Scouting: Finding and Analyzing Turkey Sign

In-Season Scouting: Finding and Analyzing Turkey Sign Turkeys, much like any game animal, will leave behind signs as they carry out their daily routines. As hunters, these signs are important to us because they help to determine roosting areas, feeding areas, strut zones, and daily patterns…all key components in the grand scheme of tagging a […]


Find Your Pattern

Patterning your turkey gun is an important part of turkey hunting that sometimes is an after thought to many hunters. Having a finely patterned gun, especially at long-range shots of 40 yards can be the difference of placing a tag on a bird or watching it run away from you. Use these tips provided to […]


10 Tips on Becoming A Better Turkey Hunter

By Matt Johnson Now that deer season is a distant memory, many of us here in Iowa are switching gears to begin pursuing turkeys. The excitement that comes from a tom gobbling on the roost, to having him strut all the way across a field right into your decoys, is what we all look forward […]


Iowa Coyotes: Inside the Numbers

I hadn’t felt the cold wind sting my face in quite some time like it did that February day this last winter. My calling partner Mark and I joked that we must be the only foolhardy pair of coyote hunters actually trying to coax a coyote to us in the whole state in weather like […]