
Choosing A Handgun For Deer!

By Michael Ware, CEO Controlled Chaos Arms The best handgun for deer hunting you ask? Wow. That’s a tall order. A question like that depends on so many variables there is no correct answer that is truly universal. As you know this really hinges on things like your comfort and confidence with a particular firearm. […]


Facebook Giveaway -Send Us Your ’18 Deer Harvest Photo For A Chance At A New Bow!


2018 Iowa Upland Roadside Survey Report

Provided by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Every August the Iowa DNR Enforcement and Wildlife Bureau conducts the Upland Roadside Survey. The survey generates data from approximately 215, 30-mile routes on pheasants, quail, gray partridge, cottontail rabbits, and white-tailed jackrabbits. Counts are conducted on cool mornings with sunshine, heavy dew, and no wind. These […]


The Role of Private Hatcheries when Restocking Ponds

Last Father’s Day; in-laws from northern Iowa were visiting our farm. It was one of those early summer days when going fishing seems like a natural activity, and one of our guests is an avid fisherman. When I suggested we throw a few lures and worms in a nearby farm pond, Gus Cleveland, of Lake […]