REAP Funding Benefits All Iowans
REAP Funding Benefits All Iowans By Steve Weisman A program that doesn’t get enough credit for the benefits that come from it is the Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) program. Since its beginning in 1989, REAP has helped fund the protection of Iowa’s beautiful and important resources. Each year REAP funds these areas: Clean water […]
READ MOREHunting Iowa’s Common Waterfowl
Hunting Iowa’s Common Waterfowl By Nick Johnson Ive been an avid waterfowl hunter for many years and I still remember when I first found my love for the sport, one of the most fascinating aspects was the sheer diversity of species one could encounter. If my memory serves me right, there are 41 unique species […]
READ MOREFall Online Gun Auction
READ MOREStrategic Pheasant Hunting
Strategic Pheasant Hunting To the naked eye pheasant hunting looks really simple; grab your gun, dog, hunter orange clad clothing and hit the fields roaming in whatever direction you chose. However savvy pheasant hunting veterans know that much more can and should go into planning a pheasant drive…especially if you are limited to hunt by […]