
Pursuing an Iowa Ghost: The Bobcat

Pursuing an Iowa Ghost: The Bobcat By Troy Hoepker They’re here! I can almost sense their presence as each footstep drives us deeper into their sanctuary. It’s like that every time I’m here. Fortifications Mother Nature has built up over hundreds of years surround us in the shape of rugged hills, acres and acres of […]


Pay Attention to what goes on Under the Ice!

Pay Attention to what goes on Under the Ice! By Rod Woten Every ice season, there is so much emphasis on what goes on above the ice. Are you using the newest whizz-bang this season? What portable fish house are you using? Will you be using the latest and greatest custom rod? Is your ATV […]


Feline Fever: Calling Cats

Feline Fever: Calling Cats By Troy Hoepker Minutes of boredom followed by moments of exhilaration! That’s the feeling that accompanies calling bobcats. My heart began beating in a higher gear when I first spotted a feline bounding over the corn stubble towards my position. Their bounce is unmistakable. The next 20 minutes would give me […]


Late Season Hunting

Late Season Hunting It’s been nearly three months since the first deer season opened in Iowa. The days are shorter and the temps are lower but there is still hunting to do. Its time for late season archery/muzzleloader hunting for whitetail! No matter if you didn’t fill your tag the first go around or just […]