
Summer Patterning Tips and Tricks

Summer Patterning Tips and Tricks By Noel Gandy Independence Day is annually celebrated on July 4th. It is the anniversary of the publication of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain in 1776. Patriotic displays and family events are organized throughout the United States. Fireworks are popped, hotdogs are consumed, and generally a good time […]


Harvesting Does

Harvesting Does By Ben Leal As October looms on the horizon, hunters across the state are preparing for opening day of the whitetail deer hunting season. Licenses and tags along with extra doe tags where they are available will be purchased. State goals for the Iowa deer herd have been to reduce the deer population […]


Fishing Iowa

Fishing Iowa By Ben Leal When it comes to fishing here in Iowa, we have one of the most diverse opportunities than many other states. We’re bookended by two major rivers, the Mississippi and Missouri, and in between lies a variety of opportunities for anglers to chase after their favorite quarry. Whether you’re fishing for […]


Your Child’s Premier Outing

Your Child’s Premier Outing What to think about and consider before you go By Ryan Graden So the time is finally here! You’re thinking the kids are old enough to go on their first hunt or fishing trip. Or so you hope! Just remember, their first experience might make or break any future times in […]